Roger 'Cannonball' Baxter  

2 - 1 - 0

Height181 cm
Weight75 kg
Reach177 cm
GymIslington Boxing Gym
JobPHD Student
Originally hailing from Sheffield, where he is currently undertaking a PhD in the history of technology and crime, now fighting out of London. 'Currently undertaking a PhD in the history of technology and crime - originally from the Steel City of Sheffield, now fighting out of Islington Boxing Club, please welcome the ginger ninja, Roger, 'The Cannonball', Baxter'


Opponent Event Date Result Description Round
Shayan 'Shah' Zarein DolabLCB - St Patricks Day Bash 202014 March 2020WBaxter wins via chess - timeout9
Dan 'The Taxman' ManfoldLCB - Seasons Beatings 201808 December 2018WBaxter wins via chess - timeout7
Dave CashmanLCB - Summer Special 2018 Thunder Dome23 June 2018LCashman wins via chess - checkmate7