Daniele Giulio 'Dada' Rota 
Jacopo Di Lauro 

Photo credit: Fabio Salmoirago

FISP - 1st International Chessboxing Show - 24 October 2015
Hurricane, Italy

And then a fire in the dust with the first titled match of the evening, between the Bergamo-born Daniele "Dada" Rota and the Biella-born Jacopo Di Lauro , a pupil of Maestro Elio Dottore , for a tricolor crown of lightweights pioneers series. A meeting on the 9 shots that saw the participation of a large part of the audience and then, in retrospect, received compliments from many who found this the most exciting meeting of the entire evening. On the one hand Daniele, coming from the world of chess and with a brief experience in Thai boxing, on the other Jacopo Di Lauro, an athlete with boxing experience, as well as other martial arts, who also has a certain propensity for chess.

Although Di Lauro showed he held in chess, the difference on the chessboard was felt, with Rota trying to move as quickly as possible, sometimes less than a second per move, to put pressure on the Biellese also as regards the time on the game. clock. With the gloves on it was Di Lauro who led the dances and was very dangerous. The two offered great emotions with the audience participating soundly in what was happening in the ring. The match ended in the fifth round when, in a position with a lot of material disadvantage, Di Lauro's time ran out. Great happiness of Daniele Rota who jumped on the ropes of the ring to greet his fans before the official proclamation of the verdict and to wear the champion's belt, golden medal of Vice-Champion for good Di Lauro.

It was the first Italian title in history; it is therefore Daniele Rota to win this record and to write his name in the palmares.
Daniele Giulio 'Dada' Rota Name Jacopo Di Lauro
1-0-0 W-L-D 0-0-1
27 Age ?
175 cm Height ?
73 kg Weight ?
? Reach ?
1700 ELO ?
Italy Country Italy
Seriate, Italy Hometown Biella
Metal worker Job

Rota wins via chess - timeout (Round 5)