Evastafiev took charge of the chess board early on whilst capturing Lähderinne's horses (knights) in the first few move - removing the threat of a horse attack. A very even and high quality technical boxing performance from both fighters meant that Lähderinne wasn't able to make his moderate weight advantage pay. Evtafiev's insurmountable position on the board hailed a trip to the glue factory for the cloven combatant. |
W | L |
Evstafiev wins via chess - submission (Round 5) |
[Event "LCB - Seasons Beatings 2019"]
[Site "The Dome, London, England"]
[Date "2019.12.07"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Nikita 'Razor' Evstafiev"]
[Black "Sakari 'Horse Attack' Lahderinne"]
[Result "*"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 h6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxd4 6.Qxd4 Qe7 7.Nc3 d6 8.O-O
Bd7 9.Nd5 Qd8 10.Bf4 Be7 11.Qxg7 Bf8 12.Qxh8 Be6 13.Qxg8 c6 14.Bxh6 cxd5
15.exd5 Bf5 16.Qxf8+ Kd7 17.Qxf7+ Kc8 18.Qxf5+ Kb8 19.Rfe1 a6 20.Qf7 * |