Qasim Qasim 
Matti Schaffran 

Photo credit: Boaz Arad for Showrunner Magazine, Markus Theisen

CBCB - Intellectual Fight Club VII - 07 April 2017
Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin

The third fight had to be changed because the originally intended chess boxer Sergey Ksendzov had broken his leg. So Karim from the ChessBoxing Club Berlin jumped in for him and he wanted to win spectacularly with the white stones. However, the opening trap failed him thoroughly, so that he lost the lady on the fourth move and then had to seek his salvation in the boxing ring. The fight wavered back and forth, the players were not impressed by irregular castling or heavy head hits and offered a varied fight under the cheers of the audience, which Karim was ultimately able to decide in his favor with a checkmate.
Qasim Qasim Name Matti Schaffran
0-0-0 W-L-D 0-0-0
? Age ?
? Height ?
? Weight ?
? Reach ?
? ELO ?
Unknown Country Germany

Qasim wins via chess - checkmate (Round 9)