WCBO - World Chessboxing Championships 2013

28 November 2013 - Izvestia Hall, Moscow

The 2013 World Championship fights in Moscow were the first chess boxing event organized and marketed by Chess Boxing Global. With three world championship fights in one evening, more than 1200 spectators and a level of combat never seen before, the first CBGM event set new standards in the history of chess boxing

Fighter White Fighter Black Result Result Description Round
3) Nikolay 'The Siberian Express' Sazhin vs Gianluca 'Il Dottore' Sirci W-L Sazhin wins via chess - checkmate 9
2) Leonid Chernobaev vs Shailesh Tripathi W-L Chernobaev wins via boxing - TKO 8
1) Sven Rooch vs Jonathan Rodrguez Vega W-L Rooch wins via chess - submission 7